Favorite Movie - Star Wars Episode IV
Favorite Cocktail - Gin & Tonic
Hi I'm Brian and I grew up in central Ohio with VHS tapes of Star Wars, Terminator 2, and Sunday viewings of Planet of the Apes.
After graduating from the University of Toledo, we moved to Charlotte, NC. then Frankfurt, Germany, Rochester, NY, then finally back to Charlotte where I live with my wife Wendy and our one-eyed pug, Clementine.
In addition to drinking the movies, I play the guitar poorly, dabble in homebrewing beer, and playing soccer (football if I'm talking to Michaela & Anthony)
We're two friends and fans of fancy cocktails and good movies!
Favorite Movie - Braveheart
Favorite Cocktail -
Brockman’s Gin and Elderflower Tonic
First Movie theatre Experience -
Who Framed Roger Rabbit
Hi guys and girls, I’m Michaela. I was born in Montana in a blue house with the perfect basement for movie watching. My dad was one of the few folks who understood VHS instructions, so we recorded about 3000 movies from TV by the time I was six years old. As you can imagine, I am an expert on kitchy 80s commercials.
We moved to central Texas shortly thereafter, where I devoured more 80s movies like the Princess Bride, Some Kind of Wonderful, and Back to the Future. We didn’t have a lot of money, but I always had a dollar to visit the cinema, which I did every chance I got.
I’ve been lucky enough to travel all over the world and most recently found myself living in Charlotte, NC with my husband Anthony and my son, Stephen-Michael.
In addition to Drinking the Movies, I sing loud karaoke (loud ≠good), attend as many wine tastings as possible, and try to raise my son to love movies as much as I do (the drinking will come later)